Sunday, May 4, 2014

Respect and Tolerance

People on the internet can be really touchy. Like, reeaaaaally touchy. I’m sure it has something to do with the anonymity the internet provides or something else scientific, blah blah blah. So you, like me, have probably learned to gloss over “trollers” and all others solemnly up to no good. So this isn't a rant about that.

So a little while back, I found this YouTube video blog channel about this family. They just document random times with their family, and it’s really hilarious. They did this video at Easter time, and in the video the blogger tells his viewers why he follows Christ and lives his religion. He mentions not all believe this way, but he wanted to say why he did. Then they just continued on with their Easter egg hunt.

“Hey, that was nice,” I thought, “It’s nice to hear things like that.” Unfortunately, I scrolled through the comments afterward. Quite a few people voiced their displeasure of this simple declaration he made (which didn’t even take up a third of the video), and many even objected that he was “forcing his religion” on them. Some of them even got quite nasty.

Now I’m not stupid, I've read all the memes that talk about losing faith in humanity while reading through the comments, but all the same the experience left me unsettled. Since then I've noticed more instances of things like this, regarding any religious material as “pushy” or “intolerant.”

Let me pause for a moment to say I’m no scholar, psychologist or scientist. I haven’t really read through any studies on this or been educated on the matter. In fact, I know of a few videos or other things that do the exact same thing to those who aren’t Christians. (I recall watching a video bashing atheism. That really left a bad taste in my mouth). What I’m doing here is just writing on a gut feeling. Cause it's bothering me. At the same time, I don’t want to go overboard emotionally, I just want to put out what I think.

The thing is, I’m starting to feel tolerance is becoming a very one way street. Time after time again I come across declarations that demand tolerance of their beliefs, but then don’t give me the time of day for mine. Why is it that the world wants me to comply with their standards but don’t want to respect mine? There is such a loud voice for their cause, but my voice is shushed because I’m intolerant.

Please note:  I’m not a perfect person. I’m not a saint. I make mistakes, I often judge people too quickly. But I want to do the right thing. I want to be able to show other people respect for what they believe in (heck, I’m even taking a world religion class to learn more than what I know now). I want other people to have opinions. I know our opinions often differ, but that’s ok, you’re still awesome.  But I also want the same respect for me. This isn't because I’m Mormon either; I speak as a Christian in general.

I think (don’t quote me or anything) that the USA has an amendment that says something to the effect that we have the right of freedom of speech and religion. That goes for religious AND non-religious.

So let me wrap this up with this: Don’t stop posting your opinion. You have a right to it. And I think it’s healthy sometimes to dispute a point. But please please please PLEASE be respectful. If you vehemently disagree with someone, wait for about a week and write your own post about it, instead as a direct retaliation. And expect disagreement to your opinion. That’s ok. It’s normal. Let’s start making tolerance a two way street again.

And I promise my next post is going to be more cheerful. :)

John 13:34

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